Looking to interview 5 people for a San Antonio documentary who would like to share their personal experiences related to how intense, confusing, crazy, sad, and funny it is to be stuck between 2 worlds at times.
Example of the 2 Worlds:
World 1: You're at your grandma's house joking around with your cousin who's fresh out on parole (who's prob about to go back in lol), catching up on latest drama, and giving advice using street talk to help them get richer.
World 2: 10 minutes later you're finding a quiet part of your grandma's house, joining an urgent executive zoom meeting with a bunch of "upperclass" people in suits who would judge you negatively if they saw your cousin (or even just your grandmas house), catching up on latest drama, and giving advice using formal talk to help them get richer.
If these 2 worlds easily identifiable to you, and you often switch between the two, and you've been unable to really talk about these 2 worlds with others (maybe because you're the only one in the family with a "suit" career).
then we would LOVE to hear your your story and potentially interview you (how you got where you are/adversity faced, the "guilt" of making money, etc.
The interview, if selected, would be consist of thought-provoking questions that, with a collection of responses, we feel could make a positive impact on the upcoming young adults who come from the same cloth as you/us.
Simply respond to this ad (via email) with a bit about your story/career, what motivates you in general, and a personal example of when you switch between the "2 worlds".
Responding anonymously is fine (even remaining anonymous in the documentary is fine).
If we like your response, we'll reply with our own contact info/website/email to discuss payment and participation.
Thanks all!